Our Story


Our story begins 4 years ago when my partner and I decided to relocate from the cold North down to sunny Sarasota, Florida in search of healing for our different health complications and of course, warmer weather! Both of us have very restrictive diets due to our previous health issues, and at the time a family member had mentioned Sarasota as being a great area of health and wellness. We decided to visit for a week to explore the area and we were immediately hooked on the area. The community was so vibrant and welcoming and we knew we had found a new home to settle into.

Flash forward 1 year into the future (2019) and we are each working full time in our new careers, getting in as much beach time as possible, and exploring all the local sights in the area, including some amazing farmers markets! Our health improved dramatically in that first year of living in the sun but one problem we were still facing was proper nutrition. We found there were less than a handful of restaurants and eateries we could get food from with our restrictive diets. It was nearly impossible to find products both organic AND gluten-free, and if we were successful they contained a laundry list of unhealthy ingredients. We were disappointed that with all of the Health and Wellness options here we still couldn't find prepared foods that were both delicious AND nutritious without some corners being cut. We were used to cooking the majority of our meals ourselves but as two individuals working separate full time careers it was difficult to keep up with our necessary weekly nutrition without making some compromises. We knew if we were facing this problem it was also affecting other people and so we were inspired to try and take on the problem ourselves. We both quit our full time careers, dedicated the next year and a half to building this business, and that is how Purely Mana came into existence!

At Purely Mana, our mission is to provide high-quality food filled with the best organic ingredients. We are a company dedicated to consistency and providing healthy options for people who value health as much as they do taste! We never compromise on quality and are proud to be serving the greater Sarasota Community.



When naming the business we wanted it to embody the mission we originally set out to accomplish. That mission is to provide the healthiest and most nourishing foods possible, using only the cleanest organic and gluten-free ingredients. Mana can be defined as the spiritual life force energy that permeates the universe. Unprocessed, clean, 100% organic and gluten-free foods are filled with pure life force energy, or mana. All foods, snacks, sweets, and treats we serve are simply life force energy so when you have a bite to eat from us its always Purely Mana.